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- # map script. lifted from anduril by wd.
- # this script is in the public domain
- # $Id: map,v 1.1 2002/07/31 23:39:35 wd Exp $
- # here's how it works. we retrieve links from the server using a /links
- # command. we then sort them out into an array as below, and then iterate
- # over the array to generate the map. on servers with 005 support and the
- # map token, we simply use their map command unless mapping from a specific
- # server is requested.
- alias map.encode {return $encode($tolower($*))}
- alias map.retrieve_links {
- ^on ^364 * {
- @:client = [$1]
- @:hub = [$2]
- @:hops = [$3]
- @:gecos = [$4-]
- @map.links.all #= [$client ]
- @:henc = map.encode($hub)
- @:cenc = map.encode($client)
- @map.links[$cenc][hub] = hub
- @map.links[$cenc][hops] = hops
- @map.links[$cenc][info] = gecos
- if (hops == 0) {
- return
- }
- @push(map.links[$cenc][servers] $hub)
- @push(map.links[$henc][servers] $client)
- }
- ^eval on ^365 "*" map.finish_links $*
- //^links
- }
- alias map.finish_links {
- ^on 364 -"*"
- ^on 365 -"*"
- for xx in ($map.links.all) {
- @:senc = map.encode($xx)
- @map.links[$senc][servers] = uniq($map.links[$senc][servers])
- if (numwords($map.links[$map.encode($xx)][servers]) > 1) {
- @push(map.links.hubs $xx)
- }
- }
- # sort our hubs by distance in hops
- @:hops = 0
- @:newlist = []
- while (sort($newlist) != sort($map.links.hubs)) {
- @:new = []
- for xx in ($map.links.hubs) {
- if (map.links[$map.encode($xx)][hops] == hops) {
- @push(:new $xx)
- }
- }
- if (new != []) {
- @push(:newlist $new)
- }
- @:hops++
- }
- @map.links.hubs = newlist
- $*
- fe ($aliasctl(assign pmatch map.links*)) xx {
- ^assign -$xx
- }
- }
- alias map (server) {
- if (serverctl(GET $servernum() 005 MAP) != [] && server == []) {
- quote map
- return
- }
- map.retrieve_links map.exec $server
- }
- ### this displays a single branch of a map. I changed this alias slightly (to
- ### make it work properly) after observing the way Liandrin's script worked.
- alias map.map_branch (server, prefix) {
- @push(map.links.seen $server)
- @:senc = map.encode($server)
- echo [map] $prefix$server \($map.links[$senc][hops] $map.links[$senc][info]\)
- @:servers = remws($map.links.seen / $map.links[$senc][servers])
- if (numwords($servers) == 0) {
- return
- }
- @:prefix = msar(/`-/ /-/ /$prefix)
- for xx in ($servers) {
- if (xx == rightw(1 $servers)) {
- map.map_branch $xx $prefix`-
- } else {
- map.map_branch $xx $prefix|-
- }
- }
- }
- alias map.exec (server) {
- if (server == []) {
- @:server = builtin_expando(S)
- }
- if (findw($server $map.links.all) == -1) {
- aerrecho server $server does not appear to be online
- return
- }
- map.map_branch $server
- }
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